Unfortunately, we are experiencing an issue with our multiple-user registration functionality.

At this time, we suggest you register individuals one at a time for a class.

If you're experiencing recurring issues, we're here to help at: AVEVATraining@aveva.com

Our IT team is currently working on this issue. We will update you once the problem has been resolved.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Travel Information

Travel Information

What type of Visa do I need to come to a class in the United States?

In order to attend a training class in the United States you will need a Business Visitor Visa (B-1). More information is provided at this link: http://travel.state.gov/pdf/BusinessVisa.pdf

What if I need an invitation letter for my Visa?

Please register for your class, and use the Registration Confirmation that you get as an invitation letter. The Registration Confirmation will include the information you need for a visa - this includes but not limited to name, address, and the date and name of the course(s).

When can I make travel arrangements?

Courses that do not make the threshold for enrollment have the possibility of being cancelled. We reserve the right to cancel a course up to 14 days before the start date of that course. We recommend that customers do not make non-refundable travel arrangements before that time for classes that have not met the enrollment threshold. If you have a question about whether the threshold has been met, please contact PI.learning@aveva.com.