Unfortunately, we are experiencing an issue with our multiple-user registration functionality.

At this time, we suggest you register individuals one at a time for a class.

If you're experiencing recurring issues, we're here to help at: AVEVATraining@aveva.com

Our IT team is currently working on this issue. We will update you once the problem has been resolved.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Access your Courses and Certificates

Find your Courses and Certificates of Completion

  1. Sign into your account using the button in the top right corner.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow next to your profile picture to open the dropdown menu .
  3. Click on "My Profile"
  4. From your list of registered courses, click the course name that you want to navigate to.

5. If you want to find a certificate for a successfully completed course, you will see: in the Status column.
